For Edit hosts file on Mac, we need little technical knowledge, and then you can do with ease. Point IP address to the desired website URL So you can override DNS temporary by making changes in hosts file located on Mac System. So you can make your own rules about your website hosted on the Local mac running on macOS Mojave, High Sierra, EI Capitan, Yosemite or OS X Server. Hosts file has an essential role in website configuration & Blocking port. Configuring My Hosts File For Https Macos 10.
Configuring My Hosts File For Https Macos Free. If you’re running macOS from Leopard (10.6) to its latest version, follow these steps to edit the hosts file: Click on the Launchpad and open Terminal. Add the targeted IP address followed by a space, then the domain name at the bottom of the hosts file, just like on the Windows 10 tutorial. Smultron is free and whilst no longer under development works under 10.5.8. Files and will ask for authentication if required. Sudo /Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit /etc/hosts An alternative is to use an editor like Smultron which has an option from the File menu to Open Hidden. Do this if you are working with Windows Vista or higher, but simply open the Notepad if you have Windows XP or anything before that. You need administrator level permission to make the changes, therefore, run Notepad as an administrator.
The hosts file is a system file, you cannot modify or configure it as a simple user.